How about that result?!
That’s balding me, Kirk Peffer from 94.5 Bay FM, on the left, and me, six months after my FUE hair transplant with Drs. Lieberman & Parikh on the right. It’s been an incredible transformation, and the best part is that I have a totally new head full of my own hair.
Drs. L&P are hair wizards and hands down the best hair transplant docs in the Bay Area.
If you want more hair, don’t wait to get a FUE hair transplant. Call Lieberman & Parikh Center For Hair Restoration at (650) 332-8105 or send them a quick email for your complimentary hair consultation.
Tell them Kirk from 94.5 sent you and they’ll waive your consult fee. Trust me, you won’t regret meeting Drs. Lieberman & Parikh and finding out how you can have more hair.