Hereditary Hair Loss & The 7 Most Other Common Causes

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Male and female pattern baldness, also known as hereditary hair loss and androgenic alopecia (AGA) is often assumed to be the only cause of hair loss. AGA causes visible signs of loss, thinning areas, and bald patches and affects some people at a very young age.

Such was the case with Dr. Lieberman who began losing hair during his first year of college at Stanford University. Hereditary hair loss impacts about 70% of all men in the United States, as well as tens of thousands of women.

FUE Doctors

As two of the leading providers of NeoGraft Hair Restoration, Drs. Lieberman & Parikh were asked to contribute an article to the website, FUE Doctors. They explain hereditary, male / female pattern hair loss, as well as the seven additional reasons why you may be losing your hair.

Access the free hair restoration tool to see yourself with more hair or give our Palo Alto office a call at (650) 332-8105. We’re also available for via email for answering questions or concerns.