Hair Loss After Chemotherapy Meet Andrew Real Patient

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Real Patient

Real Patient after NeoGraft Hair Transplant by Drs. Lieberman & Parikh

Hair loss after chemotherapy is normal and usually in two to three months after the last treatment, a patient’s hair regrows exactly the way it was. Occasionally, the new hair will temporarily be different in color and or texture. People who had straight, dark hair before chemo might have wavy, grey hair afterwards.

After chemotherapy, our patient Andrew’s curly hair returned but it didn’t come back nearly as full. His hairline receded dramatically and he lost a lot of fullness at the crown. While permanent, hair loss after chemotherapy is rare, hair follicles can get burned after many years of the strong treatment and sometimes some hair follicles never return to the active phase of growth.

Hair loss after chemotherapy and having thinner hair rocked Andrew’s confidence in a way that he never would have expected, but fortunately he found a solution.

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If you’d like to discuss your particular hair loss situation with the hair transplant experts, Drs. Lieberman and Parikh, please contact our office at (650) 327-3232 or email.