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Real Patient

Though we’ve endeavored to make this website as comprehensive as possible, we know that hair loss treatment patients have many questions, some of which we’ve compiled here, along with answers.

That’s certainly a big question, and at the heart of what we do, but there’s no one answer we can give to those who ask it. Each case is different, and the root cause of each patient’s hair loss will be explored at a consultation, after which the Lieberman & Parikh Center for Hair Restoration team will develop a hair loss treatment plan geared to each individual patient. This may involve non-surgical management and/or follicular unit extraction. Typical underlying causes include genetic disposition, hormonal shifts, stress, diet, and various medical conditions and diseases.

Yes. Though women facing hair loss tend to see generalized thinning rather than the formation of large bald patches, the problem is real, and more common than many may realize or admit. We work with women to help restore their hair by seeking out the reason behind the loss and moving forward with the appropriate hair loss treatment.

Patients who choose follicular unit extraction (FUE) for their hair loss treatment will have their scalps numbed prior to the procedure. The FUE process typically involves minimal pain, especially compared to the strip technique. Patients most often report feeling a tugging or pulling sensation or pressure during the harvesting and implantation process. Pain medication is available as desired. Common post-procedure side effects are headache and scalp tenderness, both of which can be managed and should fade soon.

Dr. David Lieberman and Dr. Sachin Parikh are committed to personally handling their patients’ hair restoration needs and providing advanced technology with top-of-the-line hair loss treatment. The doctors work with a personally selected group of highly trained hair technicians. These providers will assist with certain components of the donor harvesting and graft insertion. The design, directionality, density, insertion site creation, and future planning are all directly handled by the doctors. Throughout every procedure, the graft quality and preparation are assessed continually to ensure the best outcomes.

A follicular unit transplant (FUT) procedure leaves a linear scar on the donor site on the back of patients’ heads, while NeoGraft®, used to automate and improve on follicular unit extraction (FUE) methods, harvests viable follicles from multiple points around the scalp, leaving behind no visible line. The hair loss treatment device also increases a doctor’s speed and accuracy. Learn more about the differences in our exploration of FUE vs. FUT.

We’ve put together a list of the most common and beneficial preparations patients can make for their hair loss treatment, but one of the best things you can do is stay healthy to reduce the possibility of risks and complications and to promote healing.

Dr. David Lieberman and Dr. Sachin Parikh work with each patient as an individual to develop a hair loss treatment plan that looks as natural as possible. They take existing hairlines and other crucial details into account and prefer NeoGraft® for its superior results.

Each treatment varies, of course, in scale and scope, but patients can expect a general range of $4,000 to $15,000 for a procedure at the Center for Hair Restoration by L&P Aesthetics.

A typical NeoGraft® session is divided into two halves: one for harvesting the hairs from the donor site and one for placing the hairs where needed. Depending on the size and number of areas to be treated on the scalp, the hair loss treatment procedure can run anywhere from three to eight hours. Your doctor will give you a more precise estimate after assessing your specific needs.

NeoGraft® is an FDA-approved device, meaning it has passed trials and studies focusing on its efficacy and safety. The FUE procedure is performed successfully thousands of times around the country every year. The doctors at the Lieberman & Parikh Center for Hair Restoration take precautions to ensure their patients’ safety and educate each one on the risks, potential side effects, and necessity of proper after care to prevent infection and create an environment dedicated to healthy healing.

Some patients are eager to get back to their daily routines and return to normal activities within a few days of their hair loss treatment. Some of the suggested downtime is for necessary healing and recuperation, while some is to allow small marks from the procedure to heal and for hair to grow out a bit, reducing the appearance of the recent activity on the scalp. Many patients take between five and 12 days out of their schedule to allow for healing from the procedure

After four days to a week of healing, most patients are sufficiently recovered to be able to resume day-to-day life. Some choose to wait longer after their hair loss treatment before making regular public appearances to allow any remaining pinkness on their scalp to fade. Heavy exercise can resume two weeks after the procedure.

Yes, FUE patients can begin or resume their topical prescription hair loss treatment a short time after their procedure. The typical wait time is a couple of weeks, but your doctor will provide more definite details in relation to your particular procedure. Patients already on prescription hair loss medication may continue using this medication during the treatment and recovery process.

Many of the hairs transplanted in an FUE procedure will fall out within a few weeks, allowing new growth to begin. Patients typically see hair appearing in their previously bare areas at about three to four months after their hair loss treatment. The hair will continue to grow naturally, getting longer and filling out the scalp over the next nine months. Patients tend to be quite satisfied with their procedure outcome within a year.

The doctors at the Lieberman & Parikh Center for Hair Restoration blend medical knowhow and experience with a sophisticated sense of aesthetics, choosing the graft placement with care to mimic natural growth. Their aim is to provide each hair loss treatment patient with a robust, full, natural-looking head of hair.

While this hair loss treatment can restore a full head of hair to men and women experiencing thinning and loss, the balding process can continue for the non-transplanted hair. Pattern baldness may progress, possibly leading patients to seek additional treatments.

We offer testimonials so everyone can see the results of previous hair restoration procedures and hear directly from patients who’ve experienced the process and are now living with a fuller head of hair.